Wednesday, September 13, 2017

The Human De-Evolution

The universe is not a random explosion but a growing evolving organism.
The grand law of the universe is “Evolution” Not the evolution of one thing or another as we understand it but the evolution of the universe itself.

There are other fundamental laws of the universe like the law of harmony, the law of simplicity, the law of effortless action aka the path of least resistance, working in concordance to the evolution of the universe.
Once again, these universal laws apply to all aspects of existence, not to any particular instances.

As part of the universe, humans are subjects to the same laws. We are evolving as the universe evolves.
It is an ignorant belief that human evolution or any evolution for that matter has started at a certain moment in time.
Our evolution has started with the universe itself. We are the final result in this evolutionary chain but not the last.
We carry in our DNA all the experience and the lessons learned from the dawn of life, all life history, from the first living cell to what we are today.

Our “flight or fight” instinct is not a human invention.  All the instincts we have, have been developed and perfected long before the humans appear and passed down to us.
We are not a new invention of life but an extension of it.
We have to understand that in order to understand the predicament we are in today.

We have interrupted and disrupted the law of universal evolution and we are de-evolving.
We are on a path of self-destruction and on the brink of catastrophe.

It all started with the newest development “the reasoning mind” This quality we humans have has made us the dominant species on the planet but also created the danger of self-destruction.
For as long as life has evolved the laws of nature have been respected.

We have a wrong understanding of the natural life. We see it as a fight for survival.
We see predators and prey as enemies and our environment as a hostile habitat we have to conquer and beat into submission.

The natural world is perfect. There are no animosities or conflicts in the natural world.
The good of one is the good of all and all species and all life live in harmony, or I should say used to live in harmony until we the humans took over the world.

We used to be gatherers and hunters living off the land like all the other living organisms.
It all changed when we developed agriculture. The natural harmony of the environment has been altered to our benefit.
Crops no longer grew in accordance with the universal laws but grew at our command.
The balance of things has started to crumble and it would get even worse as we developed our civilization.

We have burned down forests, destroy habitats, level mountains, forced rivers in dams and levees use all resources for our sole benefit and disregard all the rest of life on this planet.
There was an obvious reason for all that, we wanted to make our lives easier, safer, better.
But we have lost track of that. We have accomplished all those goals but we didn’t stop there.

Technology is no longer a tool no longer our servant but it has become our master.
We are developing and expanding not for our benefit but for the sake of developing and expanding.
Our growth has no target, no purpose, and no meaning.

We still like to believe that we do it for our own good but the reality is that our lives have not got any better.
Yes, we live longer because all the drugs we take, but is our longer life better?
Yes, we have more food than ever before in history but are we eating better today?
Yes, we have the internet and the miracles of modern communication but is our social life better today?

Yes, we have accomplished amazing things but in fact, we have created more problems than we have solved.
Actually, I cannot name one single problem we have ever solved.
We have not evolved we have de-evolved

Here is what we have accomplished so far: Wars, poverty, inequality, corruption, greed, sickness, pollution, ignorance, racism, prejudice, addiction, violence, intolerance and fear.
On the other hand, we have more money than ever in recorded history and our phones have become smarter than many of us.

What we need is not better technology, what we need are better people.

It is time to stop the technological revolution and start the human evolution.

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