Monday, October 23, 2017

Zen Rants I

If you are not the Creator you are the Creation.
How many religions there are? Hundreds!
How many gods there are? One: The Creator.

You cannot choose your God.
If you go to an ice-cream parlor that serves only one flavor ice-cream “vanilla” you can only have vanilla.
Since there is only one God “The Creator” you don’t have a choice.

How you worship God is irrelevant.
When you will meet your God what you think about him is irrelevant.
The only thing that matter is what HE thinks about you.

Separation is an illusion of the Ego. There is no separation. 

All consciousness rise from the One like waves from the ocean.

Distinct but not disconnected. With specific qualities but with the same nature.
We are God but we can’t remember it until we return to the One.

The One is non-duality. The One is unbound, therefore amoral. (not to be confused with immoral)

When we are born (which is a transformation, not a separation) we have the quality of the source.

Newborn are unbound.
We experience lies, deceit, and betrayal in order to learn what truth, sincerity, and loyalty are.

We are exposed to sickness, violence, war, prejudice, racism, injustice, pain and suffering, not as some form of punishment for some imaginary sin but in order to see and learn the difference between good and evil. Our purpose is to elevate above good and evil, to evolve into a superior consciousness.

Siddhartha the buddha and latter Jesus the christ have become self-realized beings and taught us the path of enlightenment. Unfortunately, the Gnostic teachings of Jesus have been suppressed by the church and replaced with the dogma “you pay us will give you a heavenly pass” The Buddhist teachings have fared a little bit better. We still have the Buddhist Sutras and the 8 fold path but even those have been contaminated by endless interpretations and turned into religious dogma.

Ephemeral and illusory is the material world.
All humans die. Animals die, plants die, the planets and the stars in the sky; we all die.
Rich men die, poor men die. How rich is a dead man?
Sick men die, healthy men die too. How healthy is a dead man?
Powerful men die, weak men, die. How powerful is a dead man?

We seek money, power, and fame. Fascinated by the glitter of the material world we rush to our demise like moths into the fire.
Escape the grip of desire, shed your Ego, free yourself from the prison of reason and you will see the truth.

All teachings are false. Words cannot encompass the truth.
A dog cannot understand the mind of man. A man cannot understand the mind of God.
You cannot cram the universe into the hollow of your skull.
You cannot know the truth, you cannot know God.
You can only experience it.

Love is the bond of the universe.
Love is the thread between dog, man and God. Love is the universal language.
Only what can be expressed in love is true.  Everything else is false.

You may not understand it but you know that to be the truth, because you experience it, here and now.

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