Monday, April 24, 2017

The silence between thoughts Or The 3 second Enlightenment

Enlightenment is a state of mind, just like being in love or being asleep.
It doesn't require any special skill, knowledge or training.
It occurs naturally every single day of our life, but unfortunately, we were never taught how to recognize it, how to master it and how to take advantage of its enormous powers.
Have you ever watched a sunset so magnificent in its beauty that for a moment your mind went overwhelmed with awe?
That for a moment you felt one with the universe, infinite in time and space, infinite in knowledge and power?
That moment is enlightenment, or to be more specific "spontaneous enlightenment"
Of course, if you have experienced such moment of spontaneous enlightenment you know that the split second after it, your "Ego" will try to "capture" it, analyze it, understand it, and control it.
And the moment the "Ego" steps in, the magic is gone. The enlightenment disappears and we revert to our every day "Ego" state of ignorance.
Here is another "spontaneous enlightenment" moment that occurs in our life, not as spectacular but quite common; the "silence between thoughts" moment of enlightenment, aka “The 3 second Enlightenment”
We falsely believe that our brain never stops its rumination. That our thoughts keep going on and on, without any pause.  But the fact is that between every train of thought we have, there is a brief moment when the “Ego” lets go of its control and our “Enlightened mind” takes center stage. Of course, that doesn’t last for more than 3 seconds before our “Ego” finds another useless mental entertainment or just starts repeating the previous useless bit of mental rumination, and thus another day goes by…
If you are not yet sure what we are talking about here is a sure moment of spontaneous enlightenment: the first seconds of the morning when you wake up.
When we wake up, we always wake up in our enlightenment state. That means we are one with the universe, infinite in time and space, infinite in knowledge and power – for about 3 seconds…
For about 3 seconds we have the power to make the most absolute, outstanding, relevant decision in our life, which usually never happens because instead of doing that “first thought” in our mind, we let our Ego take control and in 99.9999999 % of the time the Ego will convince us to get into the pleasurable “mental masturbation” of our daily life. Of course, the Ego has to keep us trapped in the “prison of reason”, doing pleasurable but futile things, instead of doing the hard, life changing things we ought to do. Of course, the Ego sooner or later will go silent, for about 3 seconds, and in that space once again our enlightened mind will manifest.  But in 99.9999999 % of the time the Ego, again will convince us to get into the pleasurable “mental masturbation” of our daily life. And thus another day goes by…
So the moral of this story is: Catch the moment of enlightenment in the silence between your thoughts.
LISTEN TO THAT INNER VOICE AND DO EXACTLY AS IT ASKS! Before the Ego steps in and you revert to your every day "Ego" state of ignorance.

Do that and your life will change. 
Do that and you will become the master of your destiny!

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