Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I know, when you think of Hollywood you don’t think about enlightenment, you think more of superficiality and sleaze, but if you dig deep enough you will find out some pearls of wisdom even in the Hollywood movies.
I know what you are thinking right now:  “Why should I have to dig when I have the internet at my finger tips, with billions and billions of bits of information”

Well as we very well know that is a misnomer. The internet doesn’t have billions and billions bits of “information” it has billions and billions of bits of bits.
If you do not know what a “bit” is you can Google it. You will get back 624 millions of results.
Is that “information” is that what you were looking for, what you need? Of course not.

So this is the irony of the new information technology. We know so much that we don’t know anything anymore.
You want that “diamond in the rough”? Well you still have to dig for it. More than ever.
But I digress, here is some Hollywood wisdom I encounter in a recent movie.

“Fear is not real.
The only place that fear exists is in our thoughts of the future.
 It is a product of our imagination, causing us to fear things that do not at present and may never exist. That is near insanity.
Do not misunderstand me; danger is very real, but fear is a choice.
We are all telling us a story, and that day mine changed.”


Hope you like it. If you do I will post some more pearls of wisdom from Hollywood movies.

PS: If you have a favorite quotation from a movie please don’t be intimidated, share it with us,

Thank you !

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